
Kapal kmp adhi swadarma detail
Kapal kmp adhi swadarma detail

But Petersen’s independence and ability wasn’t appreciated by the pecking order over time. The RB-1 is the ultimate result of that agenda coupled with Bridgestone’s industrial might. Petersen eschewed the bloated multiform technology of the day (sound ever-familiar?) in order to stick to the business end of what he thought a great bicycle should be. Fundamentally, the Bridgestone RB-1 is nothing more than old world Italian cycling ideals piped into efficient AF, Japanese production. The trickle down of that created what might be defined as the Hors Categorie of Blue Collar design & mass manufacturing. He worked within the corporate experience while having angst for lack of control for what he was in charge of. Grant Petersen – as Sheldon Brown defines him – was a man cut of his own jib. In that era, it was Grant Petersen who had the knowledge of european steel and japanese efficiency. It’s tubes and geometry were on par with many euro builds of the time. The produced a better mass produced racing frame. For Bridgestone’s Bicycle Division, they wanted a part of the market. Due to its not-Italian’ness, I’m pretty sure Domenic would have scoffed then laughed. It was a peculiar tire manufacturer’s name on euro influenced steel tubes. It was in the late 90’s that I recognized the peculiar cult dedication the RB-1 had. In that time however, Bridgestone Bicycles, and the now-somewhat elusive RB-1 was a domesticated high-performing workhorse. It was under his tutelage that I learned of the heritage of “old steel.” Like fine art in some cases, I absorbed its meaning over time. I was awarded this introduction during appeasable times as both wrench and cyclist for Domenic Malvestuto and Domenic’s Cycling Imports. My introduction to cycling was during the late ages of European steel.

Kapal kmp adhi swadarma detail